@ Home Fitness Solutions presented by Wall Athletics LLC.
No time for the gym? No problem! No equipment? No problem! Want to take your at home fitness program and results to another level? No problem.
Any age, any level, beginner to advance, we have an opportunity for you to take advantage of.
We encourage all of our clients and potential clients to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Even if you don't see a program here that satisfies your specific needs, we want to know what we can do to help you reach your goals. please contact us immediately: wallathletics@gmail.com
We have a variety of programs, and we will continually be adding to our fitness program library.
And please remember, any feed back is the best feedback.
"Attitude & Effort Are A Daily Choice"
"The hard is what makes it great."
- 30 Day - Bodyweight Bootcamp
No weights, no equipment, NO PROBLEM!
Body Weight Exercises remain the king of FITNESS RESULTS.
If you are a fitness enthusiast, athlete, coach, or just someone looking for a fitness challenge, this is the program for you.
-Great pre-season or off-season tool
-Great for a "challenge" oriented group fitness class
-Great for at home fitness (actually, anywhere you want fitness)
-Great for athletes and former athletes
-Burns Fat
-Builds Lean Athletic Muscle
-Fantastic tool for cardiovascular and muscular conditioning
-Guaranteed results or your money back
This is a 30 Day program that includes a variety of body weight. The program is designed to be used with our custom fitness cards that are included in this purchase.
What do you get?
-A custom set of our specifically designed fitness cards
-Our 30 day program
-An instructional DVD that explains the 30 day program and exercises one workout at a time.
- 30 Day -
Combat Athlete Strength & Conditioning Program
If you are a fitness enthusiast, athlete, coach, or just someone looking for a fitness challenge, this is the program for you.
-Great pre-season or off-season tool
-Great for a "challenge" oriented group fitness class
-Great for at home fitness (actually, anywhere you want fitness)
-Great for athletes and former athletes
-Burns Fat -Builds Lean Athletic Muscle
-Fantastic tool for cardiovascular and muscular conditioning
-Guaranteed results or your money back
This is a 30 Day program that includes a variety of body weight and dumbbell exercises. The program is designed to be used with our custom fitness cards that are included in this purchase.
What do you get?
-A custom set of our specifically designed fitness cards
-Our 30 day program
-An instructional DVD that explains the 30 day program and exercises one workout at a time.
- 30 - Minute
Fitness Kick - Start
Coming Soon
August 2015
W.A. Fitness
Check out our 30 day programs for more details, you won't be disappointed!
Custom Fitness Bands
w/ Attachments
Check out our video page for my details regarding how we use these custom fitness bands, and the limitless possibilities they bring to the fitness arena.
-Any age
-Any time
-Any level
We offer a variety of sizes, please email us with any questions you might have.